For the full version of Kontakt
Old Tape Piano

Old Tape Piano

Not just another Kontakt piano. Old Tape Piano features a grand piano recorded into a very lo-fi cassette recorder. It's full of wow, flutter, saturation and other tape characteristics.
How does it sound? Well... we love it!

€59.00 - BUY NOW
Old tape piano video

Lo-fi grand piano for Kontakt

Make no mistake, this isn’t some un-tuned relic of a piano. We took a great sounding, tuned piano, not some old piano like the one that sits in your unloved in your grandparent’s house, and recorded it using a lo-fi cassette recorder.

Making just another piano instrument plug-in is pointless unless you do it differently.

88 keys, 8 velocity layers, no loops and no pitch shifting, all notes sampled. Background noise control with volume and color, tape speed and tune, with transport controls. Very simple but effective GUI for a simple but effective instrument.

Why you'll love Old Tape Piano

Don’t expect a pristine and crystal sounding piano, it’s quite the opposite.

Real tape

Recorded into real cassette tape using a very bad cassette recorder. Sounds like the home demos recorded in the 80s.


Although the medium is not pristine, the sampling is! Includes 8 velocity layers and no pitch shifting for total expression.


Also includes real mechanical noises from the recorder we used to sample the piano. With play, stop, rw, ff, and pause.

Audio demos

In action

Hear how Old Tape Piano sounds right out of the box. Naked and in a mix situation. That's what we call nostalgia!


Tracks by and Jesús Ginard.

  • Main



    From the main view you can see an animated representation of a cassette tape.

    Includes knobs for tape speed and tune, and volume and color of the background noise. On the bottom half you can find the transport controls that trigger the noise and animation, along with the mechanical noises of the unit.

  • Effects



    In the effects page you can add any effect you want in any order.

    Including EQ, compressors, modulation effects, distortion, saturation, tape machine, reverbs, amp simulators and more.

    This script boosts the sonic capabilities of the library exponentially. Easy to use in a simple and intuitive design.

  • Settings



    From the settings page you can control basically any parameter that you might ever need.

    Includes round robin, dynamic range, velocity curve and envelope with attack and release controls.


609 MB

Works with

Kontakt 5.7.3 and newer versions.
Full version of Kontakt required.
Kontakt Player will run in demo mode.



Velocity layers


Round robin


Get Old Tape Piano now!

And start playing with it in a matter of minutes.
For the full version of Kontakt only.

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